Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Mom Badge!!

This is my Stomach.. It is my Badge I earned.. After 3 kids this is my new belly. I was fixing my makeup in the mirror the other day wearing a bra with no shirt (it was in the dryer) and Morgan sat on the edge of the tub watching and studying every stroke of mascara, and the sweep of blush rubbed on my cheek. She started to stare at my belly and then asked what the lines were. I told her they are the Marks you get when your skin has to stretch over the baby growing in there. I told her first my belly had to grow for Parker and then it had to grow all over again even bigger for her and Maddy to fit. My skin had alot of stretching to do to make her and Maddy both comfy at the same time.. She giggled about that. Then with a small smile on her face she sat and stared intently for a while I wondered what she was thinking and then she asked me, Mom which ones are mine? I thought it was the cutest thing. We can complain about our bodies changing and getting thicker and shifting into a less appealing package. I am proud to be a mom and I love to laugh at my girls and the things they say and do. I could hide my belly and keep it between the glimpses my girls catch and Justin,but I know us moms all have our Badge. That part of us that when we catch a peek in the mirror and sometimes even just stare at and wish it still looked the same as it did when we were 17 . It also reminds us and makes us stop and think about the moment our precious baby or babies were inside us thriving and we were anticipating the day we would look into their eyes and try to deside whether they resembled their Dad or their Grandma. The day they first walked or drew a picture of their first stick person and it was so exciting to us. The first day of school and we all stood their waving and then walked back to our car in tears wondering if they were ready. When the question was always, am I ready? I am embarrassed to share my imperfect belly, but so proud to have 3 perfect girls to show for it. This is my way of saying us moms all have something in common whether we are ready to share it or not, our MOM badge that even though we don't show it off, it's there.. Happy Mother's day Mom's.. LUV YA!


Anonymous said...

Ok Jodi, Thanks For sharing that you so made me tear up!!!! I think of that same thing everyday and how proud I am of my kids and of course the mom badge to show for it, I Hope you have a Happy Mothers Day sis!!! Love ya!!!

Trinbean said...

Ok I know I am a little late but...
I loved your post! We all have a mom badge we have to be proud of instead of ashamed of. It is hard to love the flab, stretch marks and loose skin but I would have done it 100 times over because I have 2 beautiful children out of my mom badge!
We are all beautiful in our own way.
Thanks for the reminder, I love your kids, I love all my neices and nephews...HAPPY MOMS DAY!!!
I think you should wear a belly shirt to show how hot that mom badge is lol ha ha!!!

Melissa Ortolani Purser said...

Oh man jodi. That made ME tear up...and I'm not even a mom yet! You are beautiful. Your girls are too! I hope someday when I earn my "mom badge" I can be as happy about it as you are. It is truly an amazing gift Heavenly Father gave us, to be able to bear children. There is no greater calling. I love you Jodi! Thanks for sharing.

The Holmes Family said...

That was an awesome post Jod, I totally agree. By the way, you look great, I think my stretch marks are the same as yours and I didn't even carry twins.