Monday, May 11, 2009

I need to vent!!!

Have you ever been so disappointed in someone you can't think about anything else?
My wonderful family, we always try to put ourselves out there and help others.
The guys in my family used up their weekend to help roof a cabin on their own with the
help of one friend. It was a big job and they all worked themselves sore and tired and expected nothing in return. We were all fed a spaghetti dinner in appreciation, but throughout the weekend we were all snapped at by the recipient of the new roof. Our kids were snapped at for petty little things and there was no gratitude i mean sincere gratitude for all their hard work. After one last nitpick we all had enough and packed up and left a beautiful new roof and walked away. I hate that we put ourselves out there to be hurt. I am truly hurt to have done a kind thing and be treated like we owed this person. I am very proud of Justin, Mike, Danny, My Dad and Scott for the hard work
and I am Patting all of you on the back and telling you, you did a great job boys. I love that you are all so wonderful and could do such a Big job just to help out and be nice.. Kindness always pays off in the end, so swallow that bad taste in your mouth and feel good to have done it. HATS OFF!


Lerdahl family said...

That does suck! I am sorry. People like that are horrible! I hate that.

Anonymous said...

That was so dissappointing, You guys are all so wonderful cause you have always been there when needed, sorry the weekend ended up so discouraging!! But I think it was good you stood up for our family. What is this world coming too??? Love you all!! Wendy

Ted and Breauna Housel said...

poo!!!! Im angry for you. Your family is my family ha ha ha! We still on for the 20th???

Anonymous said...

YES great job boys!!! I love that you are all willing to work your ass for anyone!!! Im glad that I have such a great hubby bothers and father in law!!! Im sorry you were treated poorly. TRINA

Snyder-mom said...

I'm angry FOR you. It was so selfless for your family to go out and help someone that needed to be helped, and for the recipient of all the hard work to turn around and snap at your kids and your family, it's just plain rude. You would think that they would bend over backward to make you feel at home and to let you know how grateful they were. Crazy!